Friday, 3 February 2017

Hasbro Development

We formed our group of four students cross the programs, of two graphic design students and two animation students including me, who are all interested in responding to the Hasbro party game brief on D&AD new blood reward. 

We started with a meeting session to discuss the initial ideas. The target audience are teenagers between 16 and 26, so that we considered a party game that suits us, as we all lies in the range of target audience. Our initial thoughts was an engaging board game that can increase the communication between friends who are playing this game. So the first idea was to make a chess board game with role play element in it. But at the end we decided to develop a concept for a card game based on contemporary memes, especially of internet memes that increase the interaction between teenagers and young adults who have been more influenced by cultures which are spread on the internet.

There is an existing game named "What do you meme?", it has been raised on the kick starter website and successfully raised enough fund for the production of the game. It plays as one photo card revealed and the players try to make the funniest caption for the photo. Our concept is different to how this game is played, as we can make our own captions. 

As we have decided to make a meme card game, I made 9 pieces of meme drawings and put them onto a developing idea of the card, the drawings are all done straight on Photoshop on computer, and I have recorded a demo for the colors and font of the design I made for the the cards. We printed out the front and the back of the cards I designed and stick then together. The photograph above is where I composed the other student's design onto the card and printed them off for reference of the next stage of the design.

Here is a quick demonstration I did in After Effect, to try out if the concept worked. We separated our individual roles depending on our major, as the requirement of the brief is to submit a 90 seconds presentation video, and 2 of the research & development sheets, the graphic students are going to be in charge of making the final development sheets and the package design of the cards.

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